Built with competition in mind without compromising reliability.$99
I ordered the blue goose feather back in January/February. It's still in great shape and is easily one of my favorite gis. I'd highly recommend.
Anyone have a 93 brand gi and a standard issue gi The size chart is diffirent I tend to use a5 gis ( im a bigger guy and didnt wanna risk dropping 100 dollars on a gi that dont fit) but theyre always a bit loose on me especially the pants. So when the blue standard issue came around for 60 dollars i got it in a4 and after washing it its not too tight pretty good fit actually. So my question is does their standard issue fit tighter than their regular gis or looser, A4 standard issue vs A4 premium gi.
Check their website for sizing charts. You’ll see they have two different sizing charts, one for standard and one for premium.
I know ive seent it Im asking if anyone has both and can verify that the premium a4 gi is bigger than the standard issue a4 gi
Yes the two are very different for me at least. I’m A2 and have two standard issues and they are more fitted and shorter in length. Recently had that Gotham Inverted Gi come in and the top was huge. So yeah the premium is bigger in my experience.
Hey guys is this similar construction to the kitsune heroes gi? That gi, whilst comfy and soft for the wearer, is also comfy and soft for opponents grips
Will there be any chance of the Kitsune Cursive Gi in blue come out on BJJHQ?
It was on about 2 months ago.
The sizing infuriates me. How is an A1 equal to an F5 for women? If we want women’s cut then we have to go up several sizes to fit. Rude.
Are... Are you actually joking?
I know right??? LOL This Gi is super clean looking and I like the rounded edges allot (similar to Shoyoroll style).
We’re hitting levels of autism that shouldn’t even be possible
The men's A1 is the 5th option from the smallest, just as the females F5. You're looking for something to complain about, it's a bad look!!
Popcorn anybody?
Its not rude at all. Its just how their products are labeled. If you do not like it, then just get the A1. No big.
Triggered. Over a gi.
Find me a 6'8'' 265 lbs woman and then maybe they will equalize the sizing chart.