93 Brand's Beachside rashie features original artwork depicting two jiujiteiros, formed from the flowing sand and grappling beachside.$25
Any tatami estilo GIs coming??
Yeah!! White Estilo 5.0 Please...
I already own this rashguard and its my favorite. Bought it off here. Would recommend.
Love my 93 Brand gi, can't wait to try this rashguard!
I wish it was long sleeve.
Just bought looks sick
Are there any inverted gear gis coming up?
Is there anything better than jits on a beach? Love it!
Sex on the beach
Any chance of a manto x gakkin se rashguard coming anytime soon
if only it was long sleeve :-(
Will there be any more grab and pull gis coming soon?
I'm kinda between a medium and large. I'm about 6'1", 150-155, but my chest isn't as flat as most skinny dudes. Lol. Go for a large?
Go medium on this ome
Yea, you won't be disappointed with Medium. A lot of rashguards that are snug enough for you might also be too short in the body due to your height, but the 93s have a nice generous torso cut :)