The "Standard Issue" series has brought a handful of improvements in fabric & fit.$39
Confucius say, to win a Nobel in chemistry you must keep your ion the prize.
I need the Lets Roll Light III Rash Guard and Shorts!!
For science reasons, gonna need the female models @ 👀
for science reasons, you should have some respect for yourself.
FoR sCiEnCe ReAsOnS, yOu ShOuLd HaVe ReSpEcT fOr YoUrSeLf
Eh, you wouldn’t approach her in real life anyway.
lolol easy fellas. tbh though the sPoNgEbOb poster has solid potential if used sparingly.
an entire generation spent hunched over a phone, wacking off each time a semi attractive women pops into their feed. have respect for the female peers in your life. quit cranking the hog and start meaningful relationships based on a mutual budding romance
Based Mooshupork
The guy is not bad at all, a buffed version of Harry Potter. I am all in for ordering pizza.
Buru nyuuu
Nyuuu buru