
Toehold: #1545 of 16843
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Inverted Gear Lucky Panda Ranked Rash Guard

Absolutely love the colors and love this brand, but cannot get down with this design. Its a lot like these coleslawcicles.   
7/13/2023 9:51:09 AM
1 Comment
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Inverted Gear 'Panda 400' BJJ Gi - Unbleached

I am 5’6” 130# and I would order the A0. I bet the A1 would be too beefy and I dont know how much it shrinks.
3/20/2022 8:54:53 AM
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Kitsune Kimonos "Dragon" Jiu Jitsu Gi - Unbleached Edition

Agreed, I hated the pants of the kitsune gi I bought, and the top was too beefy too soft and too lightweight. I like kitsune nogi stuff a lot though.
4/14/2022 10:01:50 PM
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Fuji Suparaito Worldwide BJJ Gi - White/Yellow

Im a girl. 5’6” 130# and A0 fits me perfectly. I think the fuji suparito runs big. Also, doesnt shrink.
7/22/2022 7:07:38 AM
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93brand "Art of War" Spats

I think the standard issue spats were super disappointing! At least the womens cut. These are way better.
10/6/2022 7:48:16 AM
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Inverted Gear Lucky Panda Ranked Rash Guard

I did not buy this deal :/
7/13/2023 9:51:54 AM
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Kitsune "Hydro" Ombre Spats

They are amazing. Stay in place and dry quickly. I have 3 pair already.
9/30/2023 6:30:52 AM
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Tatami Success Zip Hoodie - Black

I have it too but it became my car hoodie when the zipper broke off the first time i wore it.
3/27/2024 7:07:32 AM
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Inverted Gear Panda 400 BJJ Gi - White

How much does it shrink?
4/1/2024 11:39:10 PM
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