BJJ Vicariously

BJJ Vicariously: #155 of 17011
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Parry "Pride" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen have a lot of pride in their pizza and hot dog parties.   
9/16/2024 11:10:11 PM
Future Kimonos "Good Times Bad Times" Rash Guard

Too bad they don't offer a "Bad Times Bad Times" one, I know a lot of those would be sold on here.   
1/24/2024 12:19:19 AM
93brand Pearl Weave Christmas Stocking

Will it fit over a boot hiding an ankle monitoring device for Democrat pedophiles ?  
12/11/2023 11:56:32 PM
Tatami Recharge Pink Leopard Print Shorts (shorter inseam)

Oh, fuck ... the comments are gonna be lit !!  
11/7/2023 11:01:06 PM
93brand "Hybrid" Hoodie

This was very popular in Portland & Seattle during the Summer of Love, 2020.  
10/25/2023 1:17:02 AM
Meerkatsu Bow & Arrow Choke T-Shirt

Looks like a shirt you would give to your young daughter, but then Joke Biden would zoom in and sniff her.  
10/9/2023 9:28:47 PM
Kitsune "Twin Dragon" Bag

Picture 3, I envision all you patriotic Americans with this bag slung over your shoulder and an RPG stuffed in there, just waiting for a Russian APC to come near. Save Bidens Bank !  
10/6/2023 11:13:45 PM
Tatami "ANIP" Hoodie - Black

Real men wear pink . . . Fake men think they can get pregnant.   
9/16/2023 11:31:13 PM
Kitsune MK1 S/S Rashguard

That 4th from last pic, old dude pulling down her panties and there's a buttplug. "Perceive that which cannot be UNseen"  
8/31/2023 12:03:38 AM
1 Comment
Scramble Peace and Violence Spats

From the looks of it, I hope the artist doesn't quit his day job. 🤦🏻?♂  
3/27/2023 11:40:44 PM
Fuji XTR Extreme Shorts

Black space, where Lyin' Joke "Beijing" Tali-Biden could put his sponsors: CHINA, UKRAINE and RUSSIA.   
3/9/2023 11:15:54 PM
1 Comment
Inverted Gear Bamboo Panda - All Black

If Lyin' Joke "Beijing" Tali-Biden wasn't fraudulently installed in the WH and President TRUMP was where he rightfully belongs, this gi would have been at most $95. Fuck all you assholes that voted for commies.  
12/25/2022 11:27:36 PM
Progress Jiu Jitsu "The Temple" Kimono

Anyone know if Snowflake Frank is ok? His mom said, in between grunts and moans, that he is very upset that it has been proven than Donald TRUMP won 2020. He won't come out of the basement after watching 2000 mules movie which proves the FRAUD. Lots bad coming to the Democraps.  
5/8/2022 11:07:03 PM
1 Comment
Fuji Suparaito Worldwide BJJ Gi - White/Yellow

Age old question, man vs. beast ......
What animal can you beat ?
Can you beat a husky or even a pitbull ?
Can you beat a bobcat or a cougar ?
Can you beat a mule or maybe a horse ?

Dinesh D'Souza is destroying 2000 mules !!!!! Video coming out soon, check it out .  
5/1/2022 1:33:40 AM
Phalanx "Dimension" HPLT Shorts

The toughest Brazilian is Dinesh D'Souza. He's like Helio, but Dinesh is like a Jedi and can destroy you without even using his hands.  
4/28/2022 11:11:57 PM
Meerkatsu "Heavenly Mata Leao" Rash Guard

Mata Leao or Hadaka Judo
In DemoCrap cities it translates to "police officer goes to jail".   
3/29/2022 12:03:00 AM
93brand Natural Tea Tree Shampoo & Body Wash (2-PACK)

When I blow my load in Snowflake Frank's mouth it foams up more than this.

Better to buy the Generic Value products tea tree oil shampoo on Amazon.  
2/22/2022 2:49:46 PM
Tatami Strawberry Spats

On a serious note, these spats could help someone who is confused about what bathroom to use.   
2/1/2022 3:04:31 PM
Progress Jiu Jitsu Tie Dye Rash Guard

More aptly, should say, "DIGRESS".  
1/8/2022 11:57:31 PM
Phalanx "Bridger" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Based on the patriotic design, there are 81 million totally legitimate people that won't be buying this.   
12/20/2021 11:54:55 AM
BJJTees "Heel Hooks / Peace Love JJ" Tee 2-PACK

PROOF President TRUMP WON & that the DemoCraps STOLE the election:
-President TRUMP picked up MORE votes than any other president running for re-election in American history
-President TRUMP won 11 million MORE votes than in 2016
-Supposedly most popular president Obama, received 3.5 million FEWER votes in his reelection !!!
-President TRUMP Black voters grew by 50%
-Biden's support amongst black voters fell below 90% which historically when that happens a Democrat candidate loses the election outright
-Hispanic votes raised to over 35% for President TRUMP
-In almost every election that Ohio votes for that's the candidate that wins the election
-For the last 168 years the only person to win Ohio, Iowa and Florida but lose the election has been Nixon
(And President TRUMP support in those states had grown in 2020 reelection bid)
-President TRUMP support grew all across the Midwest, EXCEPT a sudden spike in a few key cities that were the exact ones that Biden needed to win
-Unusually, Biden won ONLY 509 counties, in 2008 so popular Obama won with 873 counties, YET President TRUMP won an astonishing 2,547 counties, but lost the election .... Unbelievable, yup !!! Because of fraud !!!!!
-But, somehow Joke Biden somehow won, Yeah, right !?!?!  
10/28/2021 12:45:14 PM
Scramble Tactic Rashguard - Choc Chip

Intrepid reporter asks very important question:

What is your favorite rashguard ??

Joke Biden: Chocolate Chip  
10/1/2021 12:24:02 PM
Nine Lives "Challenge" T-Shirt

Nine Cats challenge question:

What color hair does the owner of 9 cats have ??

Won't make this political by asking who they voted for, because we all know they and their dead grandparents voted for Joke Biden.  
9/27/2021 4:02:14 AM
1 Comment
93brand UFOmoplata Spats

"Utilizing their tentacles and clawed abdomen" But what gender is it ?? Is it a new gender ...... Perhaps now the 85th different gender there is ?? Which bathroom does it use ??  
8/20/2021 12:19:24 AM
Armbar Soap Company - Random 5-PACK

OMG .... this is not SOUP ?? I've been doing it wrong this whole time !?!?  
5/3/2021 1:47:11 AM
Phalanx Long Sleeve Rashguard - Stripes

You should reserve your negative comments until you see if Sammy likes it. If he doesn't like it then you can diss it. (Especially the accounts that just opened a few weeks ago)  
4/22/2021 6:36:37 AM
1 Comment
Phalanx HPLT Shorts - Stripes

Here's the deal . . . Sure, everyone has the right to post comments, ask for what you want, etc. But, it's getting old, it was fun while it lasted. Now, what if there were 10, 15, 20 people EVERY day asking the same damn question. "Arm Bar soap when" "L/S rash guard when" "Rolling Deals when" When does it stop, when is it too much ? Wait patiently, ask admin directly or order from another site.   
3/14/2021 11:25:20 PM
Nine Lives Jiu Jitsu LLDW V2 Rashguard

"That said, try to leg lock a mermaid". That's easy, same way you armbar a Centaur.   
12/10/2020 6:39:32 AM
Inverted Gear Hemp Hybrid Gi - White

I always feel a little inverted when I roll in hemp.   
10/6/2020 1:33:39 AM
Nine Lives Chapter 9 - Kitsune - BJJ Gi

Is there any significance in not having 9 tails, but having a 9" tail ??  
9/14/2020 12:02:02 AM
Flow Kimonos Alpine Pro BJJ Gi - White

Is this gi Russian military winter legal ?  
6/16/2020 11:17:44 PM
Venum Dragon's Flight Rashguard

Anyone else get screwed by Brian Cimins - Grapplers Quest ??

December 2013 I purchased 2 (for my children) of his lifetime memberships for $350 each. He then only has ever had 5 events and maybe one was near me. He refuses any refunds.   
6/13/2020 2:47:02 AM
1 Comment
Niku "Let's Roll Light" Rashguard

Lets LoL, Right !  
4/25/2020 6:12:48 AM
Armbar Soap Company - Random 5-PACK

My ex wife cheated on me and kicked me out of my house.

The only thing I took was my batch of armbar soap.
Oh, and a sock. And then I put the soap in the sock and beat her ass with it !!!!  
3/6/2020 12:15:18 AM
Tatami Funky Feline Spats

Looks like it should be a puzzle :

Find the kitty with the black belt.   
11/26/2019 12:59:31 AM
Manto Pura Vida 2.0 BJJ Gi - Black

Yeah, the "grass is greener", but not anymore, the "intern" and gi designer smoked it all.  
9/2/2019 12:04:39 AM
93brand Microfiber "Praia" Towel

Hyperfly Starlyte Teal GI

Paging Dr Drew Jitsu  
6/29/2019 3:12:18 AM
Hyperfly Starlyte BJJ Gi - Teal

No takers ?!?!?

Come on, at $79 it's a sTeal !!!  
1/31/2019 1:43:07 AM
93brand "Wild Tiger" Rashguard

Why does that tigers ear look like a grinning evil cone head ?!?!  
11/19/2017 11:14:22 PM
93brand "Wild Tiger" Gi

Is this the gi I saw Liberace rockin' back in the day ?  
10/26/2017 11:20:07 PM
Tatami Thinker Short Sleeve Rashguard

Woo - Hoo . . . . let's get it on ! ! ! ! !  
12/28/2015 11:07:26 PM
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Inverted Gear Light Pearl Panda

The blue one ?!?!

I only see the white & gold one !!!  
3/19/2015 11:32:44 PM
Honey Badger Fight Shorts

Is the internet drawstring MAC compatible ???  
10/4/2014 7:57:10 AM
Comment on:
93 Brands Donuts

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but I also donut know how I feel about this hole thing either.
Too bad they don't have kids sizes, I would have gotten one for my little munchkin!!!!
8/7/2015 2:40:48 AM
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Armbar Soap Company - Random 5-PACK

"Again" ..... slow down bro, you joined yesterday and are now buying again !?!?!?
5/24/2017 2:24:36 PM
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Tatami Samurai Panda Spats

Can -Headlocks- pay one shipping fee for the multiple orders of Arm Bar Soap he will be ordering ??
11/9/2019 1:01:35 AM
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Tatami Funky Feline Spats

Explains why they are alone in the first place !
5/2/2020 3:07:17 AM
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Venum Dragon's Flight Rashguard

Todei79 :

Thanks for the recommendation, I knew someone here could point me in the right direction.

I am not tech & social media savvy, so I didn't know where to turn.
6/13/2020 12:05:51 PM
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Tatami Unicorn & Stars Spats

Tobias, You know you're supposed to play hard to get . . . . . that's why we 'jiu jitsu', that or pillow fight.
6/18/2020 1:03:33 AM
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93brand Standard Issue LTD Shorts 2-PACK

Delivery time(s) depend, I guess. For example, I ordered something on 7/14 and it arrived 3 weeks later, even though others said they received theirs after only about 5 days.
8/7/2020 12:07:10 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Cursive LITE - Black Jiu Jitsu Gi

Better scenario, to bring a 2nd gi ... than: You pay $750 for "lifetime" admissions to Grapplers Quest and a year later the thief Brian Cimmins closes his company and refuses refunds !!!!
9/27/2020 1:00:03 PM
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93brand "Butterfly Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Midnight Navy Colorway

I would buy them too !

And, of course I like virgins, my girlfriend of 5 years is one !!
10/1/2020 6:45:36 AM
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Triumph United Black BJJ Gi

I miss the mats, too, I also have a dictator governor !!
11/21/2020 4:51:51 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Spats 2-PACK (updated edition)

Go ask Harry Styles, while you're at it, ask him which bathroom to use.
11/23/2020 1:05:04 AM
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Tatami Athletic Joggers - Black

Or the look on the other end; sagging, making them man-crapi
11/25/2020 2:45:14 AM
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Tatami MK4 Nova Jiu Jitsu Gi - Blue

Blame the economic situation on Biden.
1/29/2021 11:14:44 PM
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93brand UFOmoplata Spats

Even a broken clock is right, albeit only twice a day. So, either one day you'll get the c*ck spec gi or the comments will continue to be full of trolls and bullies.
3/12/2021 11:57:14 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx HPLT Shorts - Stripes

Thank God for people like you, who can misinterpret a comment, not telling people what they should and shouldn't do, but to inform them they are being a troll. What would we do without people like you, who haven't a clue.
Literally, my first sentence said, "everyone has the right to post comments".
3/15/2021 3:18:51 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx HPLT Shorts - Stripes

Robert Bryant: Aren't you doing to me, what you are saying not to do ?! Albeit, with at least one grammatical error in every other sentence.

Maybe you are a troll, too, I see you just "joined" today. Or, maybe you are Sammys buddy.
Anyway, I don't see how you could argue for having 15 or 20 people every single day asking for their own personal wish list to be fulfilled.

3/15/2021 5:56:43 PM
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Venum Challenger Pro Backpack

In addition to that, he said he already owned THREE of them !! And, then in another post says he doesn't train. Complete troll, same as all the other trolls who immediately joined here and then began supporting their troll leader.
3/21/2021 2:18:41 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear "Old School" Gi - Blue

It's usually not a problem, I did however have to wait about 4 weeks for a product that others had received in half the time. Maybe they accidentally gave your gi to Sammy for free.
4/21/2021 3:44:58 AM
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Phalanx Long Sleeve Rashguard - Stripes


Can't see the obvious sarcasm ????
4/22/2021 5:39:06 PM
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93brand "Fibers" Rashguard

^^ I'll leave it at that, nothing else needed to say.
5/4/2021 3:36:14 PM
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Tatami Competitor BJJ Gi - White

Well, considering the previous guy who asked every day for weeks "c spec gi when" supposedly finally got his wish and claims BJJHQ gave it to him for free, this guy is at least funny about it. Based on what they may have did for Sammy they are encouraging it and frankly I'm surprised there aren't several people asking daily for what they want.
5/6/2021 1:19:19 AM
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Inverted Gear New School Gi - Black

Keep voting democrat and watch all your freedoms go away.
6/4/2021 6:22:09 PM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Ranked Rashguard

Dude, breathe, take that mask off, you haven't heard it was a scam to facilitate the election fraud ?!?! Dr Falsey should be indicted after they released his emails and proved he had ties to the KungFlu lab in Wuhan.
6/10/2021 12:00:40 AM
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Inverted Gear 2021 Ranked Rashguard

Civics are for losers.
6/10/2021 1:19:09 AM
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Tatami Sonkei Large Gear Bag

Hefty bag, still not big enough to store your ego.
6/10/2021 11:29:06 PM
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Kitsune Kimonos "Dragon" BJJ Gi - Navy Blue Edition

Doja -

Isn't that how the *bad* things started ?
6/21/2021 12:36:08 AM
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93brand Standard Issue Black Gi

You spelled gay wrong
6/27/2021 12:04:04 AM
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93brand "Gotham" Rash Guard

Mass shootings are NOT a problem with white supremacy. Google the photo of 2019 mass shooting suspects. Total= 98 killers, about 65 are BLACK !!!! All from less than 10% of the population. Joe "LIAR" Biden & MSM are POS manipulators.
7/3/2021 8:18:28 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Dawn" Jiu Jitsu Gi

The MOST F'd up thing is China taking over the USA without even firing a shot ..... because of these commie POS DemoCraps !!!!
7/4/2021 11:00:02 PM
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Scramble Base Shorts - Tiger Camo

Cena is a commie loving POS !!!
7/16/2021 8:53:31 PM
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Tatami Estilo Black Label BJJ Gi White/Grey

"Just bought another", but shows a screenshot with the discount code from 3 seasons ago. Yeah, ok.
7/22/2021 6:20:14 PM
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Kitsune Barrage Gear Bag

(Around every DemoCrap city)
7/29/2021 10:00:58 AM
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Kitsune Barrage Gear Bag

If it's those sissy c-spec gi wearing fools, then 3.
7/29/2021 9:59:25 AM
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93brand Separate Gi Pants - White

@Clint - I fixed your closing for you:

Dye your hair purple, go to your cry closet/safe space and figure out which bathroom to use to take a crap, and while you're at it figure out which gender (there are only 2) you are.

8/16/2021 12:01:59 PM
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Inverted Gear Panda Armor BJJ Gi - Black

Sure, but I'm going to ride your mom ALL night, the least she could do is give me a ride home in the morning.
8/19/2021 12:25:10 AM
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Kitsune Dragon BJJ Gi - Black

If you were from Somalia you could have married your brother/sister. And, if you are even luckier, you could then be a politician. Just ask Ilhan Omar, maybe she has an idea on how you can commit fraud and then make it big time in a country you hate anyway.
8/26/2021 12:41:41 AM
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93brand Standard Issue "Royal Gold" Grappling Tights

Lyin' Joke "Taliban" Biden is begging the terrorists because he wants the poppy fields for Hunter Biden.
8/27/2021 2:23:16 PM
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93brand Separate BJJ Gi Pants - Blue

Oh, please Mankaku. You delete my comments about Biden being horrible and China making the virus (now becoming more believable to the brainwashed sheep ) yet you leave comments up about people shitting on the mats and in their pants. smh
9/1/2021 7:56:11 PM
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93brand "Hybrid" Hoodie

Erick, you wrote "a dolt" wrong.
9/6/2021 12:12:12 AM
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Tatami Competitor BJJ Gi - White

Exactly, Molly. "Ugly"' Says the guy who has poopy in his name. SMH at these losers who just opened their accounts to try and be funny, but just showing they don't have a life.
9/9/2021 8:20:29 PM
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93brand IV Drip Rashguard

Then why do you keep having them on your chin ..... sucks, LoL
9/13/2021 1:13:40 AM
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Nine Lives "Challenge" T-Shirt

JButter -

Not too bright, I see.
9/27/2021 9:07:26 PM
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Fuji "Call of Fuji" Rashguard

Aikido most dangerous martial art . . . But, But, But, what about Korean ballet . . . I mean TaeKwonDo.
10/8/2021 6:24:51 PM
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Fuji "Call of Fuji" Rashguard

To match the Fortnite pajamas your stepdaddy bought you for Christmas and helps you put them on ??
10/8/2021 12:39:10 AM
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Tatami "Rival" BJJ Gi - Black

Watch out .... The lying, manipulative MSM and bumbling Joke Biden will "Make you pay!" Like the potato in chief said wrongly about the border patrol agents on horseback. Who will make "Beijing" TaliBiden pay for murdering 13 American soldiers ?!?!?
10/10/2021 11:28:52 PM
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Tatami Bushido BJJ Gi - Black

My favorite "rare" brand is Kauai Kimonos. Of course I never expected it to be listed here.

Origin is a good, rare find, too.

This site is not going to have specialty items.
11/4/2021 5:37:22 PM
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93brand Hooks V5 Gi - Unbleached

Seriously don't understand all the soy boys on here, thought you guys were a?a? boys. Self defense!! Watch the videos. Don't be brainwashed by lying, manipulating MSM. The DemoCraps are the ones that closed all your gyms for a year, retards !!!
11/22/2021 9:20:34 PM
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Kitsune "Red Skies" BJJ Gi - Black

Bring on the Red Dawn
11/26/2021 9:35:50 AM
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Scramble Tactic Rashguard - Choc Chip

Ooh ooh ahh ahh, is what he says after eating his poop.
12/1/2021 11:38:55 PM
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Fuji Suparaito Worldwide Edition BJJ Gi - Navy

That's Juicy Smollett's quote.
12/9/2021 10:16:34 PM
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Tatami Dia De Los Muertos Eco Tech Recycled Rashguard

I see you're getting rid of your cars too, after what Joke Biden did to the gas prices (and all other prices).
12/13/2021 1:32:00 PM
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Inverted Gear Old School Gi - Black

You should convert to the money bush. Trees take so long to flourish.
12/21/2021 1:12:01 PM
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Inverted Gear Old School Gi - Black

Best be rocking nothing less than level 3 body armor in Detroit.
12/21/2021 12:51:54 AM
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Progress Jiu Jitsu Tie Dye Rash Guard

TikTok is the devil.

1/9/2022 4:09:41 PM
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Nine Lives "The Gentle Art Is All Heart" Charity Hoodie

"sToP cHeRrY pIcKiNg YoUr PrOpAgAnDa".

Oh, like all of a sudden we can quarantine for 5 days now, instead of 10 days, because Delta Airlines CEO asked for it !?!?
1/11/2022 10:28:33 AM
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Nine Lives "The Gentle Art Is All Heart" Charity Hoodie

Dr Fraudxi should go to jail. He lied to Congress and our government funded gain of function research which helped make the ChinaVirus. Check out today's Project Veritas release proving this.
1/11/2022 10:22:33 AM
Comment on:
Manto "Strong Waves" BJJ Gi - Navy

Damn, so many white supremacists here. You know you can't dislike the black thumbs down. Sorry, dude I apologize for the whites, unfortunately they don't have the benefit of being from the only race that can't be racist.
1/12/2022 8:19:35 AM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Waiting on lines for essentials, supply shortages, high prices, censorship, MSM beholden to government, government mandates . . . Joe "Beijing" Biden sure has done a lot !!
What surprises me most is so many on here are for this socialist/communist BS. You do realize that the DemoCraps are the ones shutting down the gyms ?!?! Go ahead and defend your life with a bjj choke and find your ass in jail because the District Attorney was bought and paid for by George Soros. Then surprise, surprise you find out the criminal who attacked you was out on bail, paid for by Kumala "heels up" Harris.
1/14/2022 6:55:44 AM
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93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Smith, Better to tell all the losers that about getting their bjj gear opinions from a "chimp".
1/14/2022 10:52:58 AM
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93brand "Butterfly Originals" Casual Gi Pants - Midnight Navy Colorway

The problem with gi pants are, no pockets. And, if you live in a liberal run shithole: No pockets for, " Your paperz, must show zee papers to enter zis zupermarkeet!!"
1/16/2022 12:20:15 AM
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"Marble" Shorts by Progress Jiu Jitsu

Magician, in fact, everyone: watch YT video: Riding the Dragon

Then you will see why Joe & Hunter Biden belong in Guantanamo for TREASON.
1/18/2022 8:00:33 AM
Comment on:
93brand IV Drip 2.0 Rash Guard

Their (the DemoCraps, of course) psychopathic cult requires they lie, be a hypocrite, cheat & manipulate a certain number of times per day or they risk being kicked out.
How many DemoCraps have been caught maskless after they are enforcing their states/cities mandates. AOC talks shit about Florida, yet vacations there and doesn't wear a mask. Pelousy top pick for chairwoman of Transportation Committee repeatedly crashes into a parked car and then just walks away. You can't make this stuff up. SMH
1/19/2022 8:17:45 AM
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Kitsune "Twin Dragon" Hoodie - Maroon Heather

Sucker !!! You got married, automatic loser. You didn't know that family court automatically sides with women ?? Maybe you will be one of the less than 5 percent of men they pick so their unfair tactics can't be proven. You may have to identify as a trans-bi-non binary watermelon or something so they can't mess with you. Plus, tell them you saw your wife kick over a BLM sign. Good luck, hope Mr. Judge panties aren't too tight.
1/27/2022 6:56:54 AM
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Tatami "Super" BJJ Gi - Navy

If America, territory/land wise was a gi, it would be mostly red. If America was only a couple of liberal run shithole cities, then, yeah it would be mostly blue.
1/28/2022 12:37:34 AM
Comment on:
Tatami "Super" BJJ Gi - Navy

Frank: If you were to look at a map of America by who votes red vs blue, you would see that over 90 percent, yes, that is NINETY percent is Republican/Conservative.

And, why would you think I hate America from what I wrote ?!? I just wrote that liberal run cities are shitholes, with rampant crime. 19 of the 20 top cities with most crime are run by Democrats. By your comment, I guess you are happy with high crime, murder, garbage and homeless all over.
1/28/2022 7:52:49 AM
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Tatami "Super" BJJ Gi - Navy

Frank: You look like the guy who uses your mouth to stay in closed guard.
1/28/2022 8:04:57 PM
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93brand "Grappling Clinic" Rash Guard

I'm right here, commie !!!

11:02, wow, you just couldn't wait. What a loser, who has nothing better to do on a Friday night but immediately post about me. I'm flattered that you took time out from (pandering to BLM) sucking the cock of your black boyfriend.
1/29/2022 12:11:41 AM
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Kitsune "Red Skies" Compression-Lined Shorts

PJ Duke is the best wrestler !!!
2/14/2022 11:09:53 AM
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Kitsune IBJJF Ranked Rashguards

George Washington, you quoting George Washington ?!?!? You racist MF. Unless you are black, then you are required to change your last name (Smith). Goes for Washington's, Adams, Jefferson, Jackson, Johnson, Madison, Monroe & Grant. It is your reparations duty.
2/19/2022 4:59:52 AM
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Fuji Dark Arts Long Sleeve Rash Guard

How's that $5.00 per gallon working out for you ??
2/25/2022 1:36:58 AM
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Fuji Dark Arts Long Sleeve Rash Guard

You're confused, just like you don't know what bathroom to use. Safe spaces are for your side, pathetic POS. It's you commie liberals that are the snowflakes, dumb ass. Hey, there's Snowflake Frank, proving my point, by him adding the snowflake to his name. He missed a good comment I wrote about him a few days ago.
2/25/2022 7:07:58 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Dark Arts Long Sleeve Rash Guard

So, it's ok to just throw an extra $1,000 a year or more in the gas tank, because oh, no "mean tweets", and you call me the snowflake. You are only proving my point.
Obama: Ukraine invaded by Russia
Trump: no wars/invasions
Biden: Ukraine invaded by Russia

Afghanistan, Biden killed Americans
Southern border
More ChinaVirus deaths under Biden
Energy independent under TRUMP
Supply Chain
Crime through the roof
And much more ....
GFY loser, snowflake, commies
2/25/2022 10:47:16 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic "Kikko" BJJ Gi - Black

Go for his dad. It's free and he gives great head. Had lots of practice. Right Frank, your dad had lots of practice !!
3/1/2022 2:49:04 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Spats - Black

Listen there, FlowSnake Frank ... yeah, that's your name, because your dad would make the juices flow from your snake. For real it's just a little worm, but we all know you like to lie, cheat and exaggerate like a good little POS commie liberal. Google this: Studies were done and they found that liberals were more likely to have a mental illness. That's you !!!
3/2/2022 9:23:13 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Spats - Black

Donald TRUMPing it us such an alpha move = SUCCESS.

3/2/2022 7:46:59 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Thank god we got your input, the 6th person to say: but, but it doesn't say Mexican on it.

Are you also one of those losers who writes first in comments section ?!?
3/3/2022 1:44:43 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Your mom has such a nice cock !! Oh, but you blow that, I mean know that. Actually, they're both right !!! You are a basement dwelling liberal POS commie.
3/3/2022 6:35:00 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

I did also write about your dad sucking your cock. So, your comment is not true.
3/3/2022 6:47:52 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Oh, and you also twisted it around. I don't comment about doing it .... I wrote about your dad doing it. I know you are trying to supress the memories. And/or deflecting like a good liberal commie.
3/3/2022 6:50:19 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Well, your basic math looks good. However, you need work on grammar and comprehension. I have NOT at all talked about me sucking cock. It is all your mom & dad, right FlowSnake ?
3/3/2022 10:02:07 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

You're real stupid, short-bus Frank. Re-read my comment. The only thing right was you writing that I wrote 3 consecutive comments. Your grammar and reading comprehension is lacking. You must be one of those participation trophy recipients.
3/3/2022 10:47:42 AM
Comment on:
93brand "Ground Karate" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

And here comes the other guy who has to comment 3, 4, 5 times a day. Your advice is golden, your royal Heinie.

The chimp eats his own poop, figures you would listen to him.

3/3/2022 10:46:53 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Spats

BadatBJJ is also bad at comments.

Frank is the crazy one, updated his name on here with the snowflake moniker. Because he is a commie liberal. Check it out for yourself: It has been proven that liberals are more likely to have a mental illness. Liberals are also more likely to be living in mom's basement.
3/18/2022 10:53:44 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Spats

Pretty sad that you think your equivalent to "I know you are but what am I " preteen comeback would constitute being beaten up in the comments. But, that's you lame Frank with your lame ass comebacks.
3/18/2022 12:45:24 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Spats

It's the butt plug you borrowed from your grandma that's giving you those feelings.
3/18/2022 10:57:08 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Heavenly Mata Leao" Rash Guard

Surprised to see so many criminals and their supporters here.

Back the blue
Defund the DemoCraps
3/29/2022 12:51:37 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Heavenly Mata Leao" Rash Guard

Ok. I'll get back in line and clap for the poop, chimp and dong comments, like a stupid brainwashed sheep.

Too many idiots get their news from CNN, MSDNC, etc. You should care about politics. The DemoCraps shut down gyms for a year, affecting us BJJ practitioners.
3/29/2022 5:49:15 PM
Comment on:
93brand Palm / Butterfly Originals Dry Fit 2PACK

How ironic the "snowflake" with a photo of the Rock calls me fragile. Projection much ?
3/30/2022 2:36:49 AM
Comment on:
93brand 'Standard Issue' Spats 2-PACK - Updated 2022 Edition

Maybe I missed a day, here and there. But, I've been here a little while and I haven't seen anyone falsely representing themselves as admin.

All I've seen are supposed prior purchasers grading/reviewing the items they have owned.
4/7/2022 6:27:29 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Bridger" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Right, you are. Of course, the Biden version would have the hammer and sickle.
4/17/2022 12:21:52 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Bridger" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

If you want to be knowledgeable about how China owns Joe Biden, watch: Riding the Dragon

If you want to know about corruption regarding Covid-19, must see video: Watch the Water
4/17/2022 5:06:04 PM
Comment on:
Tatami "Nova Minimo 2.0" BJJ Gi - Black

The gender fluid model was too busy deciding which bathroom to use or was holed up in the cry closet.
5/3/2022 1:24:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand Standard Issue BJJ Gi

Thanks to racist, commie Joke Biden, that's all many can only afford . . . a mayo sandwich.
5/6/2022 4:56:19 AM
Comment on:
Progress Jiu Jitsu "The Temple" Kimono

No, listening is ok. Better to live by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then be like these POS commies that want to silence whoever doesn't think like them.
5/9/2022 7:36:50 PM
Comment on:
Toro "Tiger King Martial Arts" Rashguard

Because Democrats suck at everything.
5/21/2022 1:08:16 AM
Comment on:
Toro "Tiger King Martial Arts" Rashguard

Joke Biden will sniff anything.
5/21/2022 1:11:07 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Estilo 6.0 BJJ Gi - Black/Purple

Funnier looking is right. TUNIT looks like an epileptic retard put on brown lipstick after he slurps up Jimmy's back door brown delicacy.
10/10/2022 10:02:36 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Zen Unicorn" BJJ Gi - White

Should call them Kumonos
11/7/2022 2:15:03 AM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Zen Unicorn" BJJ Gi - White

Spot on. Fits in perfectly here. Tons of weirdos here. Never in all my years have there been so many in one place.
11/7/2022 8:45:39 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Home Roll Out Mats

That's on the CCPHQ website. The brand of course, Hunter Bidens crack Phallus. Oh, and the shipping doesn't take as long as BJJ HQ, China ships through Mexico. Plus, they have a black Friday weekend offer of a free bag of Chinese (where else does it come from) Fentanyl with every order.
11/26/2022 8:44:57 AM
Comment on:
Fuji Home Roll Out Mats

CCP = chinese communist party. The Bidens are in bed with them, as well as Putin. Most of the DemoCraps are and many Republicans are, as well. President TRUMP is the best president we have ever had, since Lincoln took away the democrats slaves. Happy with high gas prices, grocery prices and literally everything costing more, it's all thanks to Lyin' Joke "Beijing" Tali-Biden.
11/26/2022 10:21:10 PM
Comment on:
Scramble "Athlete" Gi Ecru (Unbleached Special Edition)

More importance should be focused on the POS who is fraudulently in the WH, which is causing the high prices, shortages & delays !!!
12/21/2022 5:02:17 AM
Comment on:
93brand X Meerkatsu Hell Hooks 2.0 Rash Guard

Very compelling documentaries: Riding the Dragon, Watch the Water, 2000 Mules & Deep State 5 - pizzagate. Take even 1 seriously and see what happens. Come on, man !
2/10/2023 4:36:45 PM
Comment on:
Sapien Spats - Black/Grey/Blue

#stopthesteal . . . hmmm, where have I heard that before ?!?!? TRUMP WON . . . the DemoCraps are liars, cheaters & manipulators !
2/12/2023 9:01:30 PM
Comment on:
Meerkatsu "Manual" Rashguard

You're full of shit Sbo14. There is no cancellation of voting rights. You should have to show an identification. The idiot DemoCraps think that's racist, Lyin' Joke "Beijing" Tali-Biden said that blacks don't know how to use the internet, so they can't get an identification! HaHa. But, those idiots think shifting to canceling cash and going strictly to debit/credit type transactions will be fine and now the minorities will be able to navigate their way. HaHa. Twitter has exposed serious corruption in the DemoCraps and the government, all against Conservatives and President TRUMP. Why did the MSM care so much about our health for 2 years, but now have basically spent zero airtime on the serious disaster in Ohio ?
2/15/2023 8:30:16 PM
Comment on:
2-PACK of 93brand Standard Issue Rashguards (Black, Smoke Grey)

BJJ HQ must be using Dominion software.
2/23/2023 10:11:59 AM
Comment on:
Fuji XTR Extreme Shorts

Because people don't do their own research, they believe the MSM like good little brainwashed sheep. Short, free documentaries that will blow your mind: Riding the Dragon, Watch the Water, Pizza Gate to name a few.
3/10/2023 12:38:27 PM
Comment on:
Finishers "Reaper" Hoodie Limited Edition

Idiot! You know you can look it up and see that it is the liberals that are scrawny wimps.
4/4/2023 12:18:11 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Metric" HPTX Shorts

The cardinal rule is, if they are mocking, flip em the bird !!
4/5/2023 1:27:16 AM
Comment on:
93brand Coffee Mugs Set

Hey, weirdo ... appears the name suits you. A cuck is literally the perfect definition of a liberal, not a Trump supporter. I stand with Daniel Penny. I guess you stand with privileged America haters, like the lawyers that fire bombed police cars.
6/18/2023 9:42:17 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Eye of the Tiger Rashguard

** exchanges: can be done, just not days later. It's only if you "ordered wrong" and catch it right away. Send them an email and they can usually accommodate you, depending on availability of size/item.
7/6/2023 4:08:47 PM
Comment on:
Nation Athletic "Death Cuddle Jiu Jitsu" Rash Guard

Comical that your account here is all about the "history" here, "on this day" back in 2015 BJJHQ sold blah, blah, blah .... Truth is, you don't know your history, because it's the liberals and current day Democrat party that is in line with the Nazis.
8/15/2023 7:41:51 PM
Comment on:
Ground Game Bushido 3.0 Long Sleeve Rashguard

Noted that you have no complaints when people talk about taking shits, taking shits on others bodies. FFS
8/18/2023 9:47:25 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Ultra Light Panda - Black

I think it's Shady
8/24/2023 7:44:04 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Red Skies" Compression-Lined Shorts - Olive

Using your price, that's 25 percent or more off. That's not bad, especially considering Lyin' Joke "Beijing" Tali-Biden destroying the economy !!!!!
8/25/2023 11:48:17 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Red Skies" Compression-Lined Shorts - Olive

Loaf of Bread: I was factoring in a few dollars for shipping, but it's actually free on Kitsune website. Imagine yesterday I had nothing better to do than check websites and do calculations. SMH
8/26/2023 11:12:44 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Red Skies" Compression-Lined Shorts - Olive

It's probably one of their own accounts. There is a regular on here, Jimmy Stoole who only comments about his shits and a bigger loser, T-U-N-I-T who brags about eating Jimmy's shits, but I commented once: Fuck China (should not have to emphasize the communist leadership, not the people). . . and they erased the comment.
8/26/2023 10:02:48 PM
Comment on:
Flow Kimonos Feather 3.0 White

I have a couple of the Kauai Kimonos, they may have been one of the first, possibly the best rip stops.
8/29/2023 3:57:28 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune MK1 S/S Rashguard

Bro, I got 7 more months left on your mom's OF. I probably bought her buttplug.
8/31/2023 3:20:11 PM
Comment on:
Tatami "ANIP" Hoodie - Black

Aww, come out of the closet already, Smith
9/17/2023 4:23:14 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Red Skies" BJJ Gi - Black

Oh, and don't worry the vaccine is super safe, it's been tested on like 3 mice and Earl the janitor. He accidentally sticked himself in our super duper secure facility that we promise was not funded by Chyyyyna.
9/18/2023 8:18:51 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl BJJ Gi - Black

Those were the good ole days. Now I find out all my childhood stars are woke weirdos. Or they have to be Black because that somehow proves we're not racist.
9/25/2023 8:15:22 AM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Light Pearl BJJ Gi - Black

Did you ever thing Barbie would have a dong ?!? Happy now Slapfight ??
9/25/2023 5:03:24 PM
Comment on:
Tatami "Success" Zip Hoodie Grey

It's getting stuck in a China server, same thing that happened in 2020 election to many, many votes for the best president we have ever had. fr
9/29/2023 9:05:42 PM
Comment on:
29Niku "Let's Roll Light III" Rash Guard

I've had US Postal Service stuff take forever. Recently a package sat ready for pickup for 3 days and when it arrived at the nearest small city 15 minutes away from my house at the local distribution center it sat there for 3 days. Government sucks.
10/3/2023 7:39:22 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Long Sleeve Rash Guard

Gee thanks, I needed to know that. Such important information, now I can sleep better.
10/5/2023 11:27:26 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Long Sleeve Rash Guard

Be mean, we're not trying to raise pussies here.
10/6/2023 4:47:11 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Long Sleeve Rash Guard

Seven Stripe, that's like your seventh strike ! It's Maamequin !!!! MAAMequin !!!!!
10/6/2023 9:52:53 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Sharp" Long Sleeve Rash Guard

Statistically speaking, he's probably already had a "date" with Kumala "knee pads" Harryass. JS
10/6/2023 9:02:27 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune "Twin Dragon" Bag

No need to smuggle, they're letting anyone in, terrorists too !!!! You can look it up. This POS fraudulently installed commie administration is a joke.
10/7/2023 7:08:27 PM
Comment on:
Finishers "Reaper" Hoodie Limited Edition

Who's George Floyd, do you mean George Kirby ? Or, George Taylor ? Or, Floyd Taylor ? I mean those 3 are so famous they have a police reform bill named after them !!
10/8/2023 2:25:59 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Flow Field" HPTX Shorts

From your lips to Dongs guys zipper, Smith.
10/12/2023 7:45:20 AM
Comment on:
Rash Guardians "Zebra" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

The DemoCraps can't allow the blacks & whites to live together so harmoniously like in the colors of the rashguard. They sell racism, because they profit from it.
10/13/2023 7:21:57 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Premier" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

Napalm can bring peace. Everlasting peace.
10/14/2023 11:02:34 PM
Comment on:
93brand Monsters Shorts

Smith drools for dongs
10/26/2023 9:27:28 AM
Comment on:
93brand Monsters Shorts

What about the power of Smithology: bend over first, ask questions later
10/26/2023 8:28:37 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Recharge Pink Leopard Print Shorts (shorter inseam)

Smith in MN x Richard Simmons
11/7/2023 11:34:42 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Recharge Pink Leopard Print Shorts (shorter inseam)

Quite the obscure reference. Not surprised you're into the macabre. However, I am surprised that you would wish that on someone. What a true piece of shit you are.
11/8/2023 6:56:15 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Psychedelic" Rash Guard

M - It looks like you lured out the dick sucker.
11/9/2023 5:47:19 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Strength and Honor" HPTX Shorts

That's what you tell everyone, but in reality you named your pussy Thunderclap.
11/15/2023 3:02:45 PM
Comment on:
Tatami Tanjun BJJ Gi - White

11/21/2023 12:51:34 AM
Comment on:
93brand Vintage 2.0 Hoodie

Watching Deliverance got you hard ?
11/27/2023 11:41:52 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Polka Panda Shorts

That's what you get when you have this fraudulently installed regime. Thanks, Elon for proving that the DemoCraps and FBI paid Twitter to censor Americans. What times we live in when half the country doesn't care that they are under a dictatorship. Just the other day they signed more legislation to allow the government to spy on us.
12/16/2023 5:44:35 PM
Comment on:
Half Sumo "White Tiger" Dogi

Oh, yeah, of course 2 guys rolling around all sweaty and half naked is not gayer. Clown.
12/22/2023 11:36:03 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Butterfly" Gear Bag

My money is on BB is actually trolling his FBI handler and gave their name and address information to bjjhq.
1/5/2024 1:41:06 PM
Comment on:
93brand XL Pearl Weave Duffel Bag - Navy/Black

Lebrenda James says, "Hey Chinese kids, stop bleeding all over my Nikes."
1/19/2024 12:18:51 AM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Enso" Long Sleeve Rashguard

Ok, you're new here. Freedom of speech is paramount (ask bb, aka admin is a bitch), but shut the fuck up anyway. Probably half the idiotic comments here are posted by HQ staff accounts. SMH
1/20/2024 8:18:40 PM
Comment on:
93brand "HOOKS V6" BJJ Gi - Navy

Don't fall for it. The Canadian goose is red, trust the symbolism. Justin Turdeau is a commie (when not in black face).
2/7/2024 11:39:05 PM
Comment on:
Kitsune MK1 Long-Sleeve Rashguard

Bro, hold it together. There are no American flags or red, white and blue represented here.
2/10/2024 12:02:39 AM
Comment on:
Half Sumo "Kensei Dogi" - Black

Tell that to corrupt Zelensky & Lyin' Joke "Beijing" Tali-Biden. My children and grandchildren are going to be paying this debt their entire lives.
2/18/2024 3:02:11 PM
Comment on:
Finishers "Reaper" Rashguard

They're too busy deleting comments to send out your soap.
3/28/2024 6:27:07 AM
Comment on:
Progress Academy Plus Kimono (Olive)

In case you were thinking of going out and checking yourself, don't do it, trust us. Here at BJJHQ warehouse, we do not have a basement, thus there are no underground sex trafficking tunnels.
4/23/2024 7:12:44 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Ultimate Grappling Shorts - Military Green

"We're not gonna be OK." Ummm, where have you been ? We haven't been ok in 3 years. Wars, inflation, grocery/gas/home prices all up, and not "20%" like Tapper lied about. Mortgage rates from 2% to 7 %, gas prices almost double, groceries up 30-50%. The southern border !!! Over 10 million crossed, many are criminals, mentally ill and there are terrorists !!!! Read the news, these are not lies: they caught a bunch of ISIS terrorists here !!!!! And, you cry about mean tweets & narcissism ?!??
6/28/2024 1:06:10 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Ultimate Grappling Shorts - Military Green

Did you forget he was president for 4 years ? We had ZERO wars, and you're worried about him with the nukes. lol. I am worried about the senile one who presses the nuke launch button thinking he's calling for a diaper change. Our deficit is trash due to Ukraine $$$ and the billions now being spent on hotels, food, healthcare & schooling for millions of illegals. Don't get me started on crime. Jeez. You people are brainwashed idiots.
6/28/2024 4:58:38 PM
Comment on:
Phalanx "Bridger" Short Sleeve Rash Guard

They may end up even being delivered in December.
6/29/2024 12:37:39 PM
Comment on:
Fuji Shogun Heat Gear Spats - Navy

You're complaining about that, which is at least somewhat entertaining. Hmmm. How long have you been here ? Oh, never mind.
7/19/2024 5:18:34 PM
Comment on:
Progress The Academy Gi - White

gtfoh weirdo
7/20/2024 2:13:01 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Standard Issue" Long Sleeve Rashguard 2pack

Yes, it will go with your 6 pack of Depends.
7/29/2024 11:56:11 PM
Comment on:
Inverted Gear Academy Shorts

Loving your country is patriotic. Not sending billions to other countries, burning the American flag, supporting terrorists/palestinians, violating the Constitution, trying to assassinate your political opponent, etc. Looking at you, Democrats !!!!
8/3/2024 2:50:18 PM
Comment on:
Yesgi Original BJJ Gi - Black

I'm going to step in here and say what really is wrong with people is cheering on men beating up women in sports all over the world and it is disgraceful. When politics is brought up on here, I see way too many of you rooting for the dark side. The side that doesn't mind women getting beat by men, that locked down your jiu jitsu classes & events, that forced mask mandates and have increased injuries & death with their vaccine. So sad.
8/19/2024 3:15:59 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete Pro BJJ Gi - Navy

You get the Royal Guard unlock
8/26/2024 2:09:16 PM
Comment on:
Flow Alpine Pro 2.10 BJJ Gi - Blue

Thanks for the glowing review. The check is in the mail.
9/5/2024 7:51:17 AM
Comment on:
Nation Athletic "Tiger Roar" Shorts

Mitch says what I would expect a man's wife's boyfriend would tell him to say. If he was a Kamala Harris supporter.
10/31/2024 9:17:44 PM
Comment on:
Scramble Athlete Pro BJJ Gi - Navy

I'm scared for this country. When I sign on and see 4 likes, but 8 dislikes ?!?! You people are for Socialism ? You wanted Kamala Harris to win ? WTF.
12/16/2024 12:47:01 AM
Comment on:
Kitsune Kimonos "Spectre" Lightweight BJJ Gi - 2024 Edition

I know you are upset. But, your mother said she was divorced and your grandma said she was a widow. I will tell your mother not to lock you in the closet the next time we have a threesome. You should try to behave, as well, so you're not locked in the closet.
12/25/2024 3:51:00 PM
Comment on:
93brand Twin Twill Duffel Bag - Black

Nobody hates the Canadian people. We hate your lefty leader Trudope. President Trump loves you.
2/4/2025 9:39:45 PM
Comment on:
Aesthetic "Clutch" 2-Layer Shorts - Alpine Camo

What's telling is that if they are bragging about that, then they wouldn't be posting here at 11pm on a Saturday night. They actually wouldn't be bragging at all, because we all know braggarts are lying.
2/9/2025 3:04:07 PM
Comment on:
93brand "Hybrid" Hoodie

In the middle of everyone finding out that china murdered millions with their virus and I posted "china sucks" (referencing the government) these guys delete the comment. But they allow this ?! Makes me think they like cock.
2/25/2025 1:04:45 PM
Comment on:
HQ Heel Hookin' Rash Guard

Quesaga, they are both jackasses
2/27/2025 1:08:45 AM
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