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93brand "S5" Jiu Jitsu Gi

Finally a dope black gi ~ thanks guys would have cost me over $40 more if it wasn't for BJJHQ <3  
3/19/2019 1:10:05 AM
Inverted Gear Classic BJJ Gi - White

white gis get nasty stains on them to easily imo.. butt scoots be looking like mr poopy pants - bwack version of this 4 da win tho  
3/15/2019 7:09:51 AM
93brand SHG Backpack

i have the slightly different all black version.. if its the same thing in the way of pockets and clips etc then i can say its quite practical/versatile ~ and ive had plenty of compliments ~ although mine is definitely not the same aesthetically... but from the look of things its the same in all other ways.

i adjust the outer strap clips to click in with the "chest straps" to create loops that fasten allowing me to slide my wrestling/boxing shoes into them nicely while keeping them external for aeration as well.

the top main hole of the bag has a drawstring that allows things to bulge creating added space out the top yet remaining safe and secure, because of the hood/lid of the bags functionality it clicks in with the other clips and clamps things down outside of the main compartment using one of the many straps available.

it has cloth inner pockets for phones or fancy watches. the bag prolapses to allow for a serious advancement in room-age. keep in mind that when you have a used sweaty AF Gi that you want to stuff into the lower compartment, you will need to tighten the drawstring and top the bag upside down then stuff that thing in especially if your working near capacity like most of us often are.  
3/14/2019 2:51:02 AM
Fuji Baseline Ranked Rashguard

PLEASE BjjHQ gods provide us with a dope black GI of the highest quality and class... <3 ahmen  
3/12/2019 10:04:35 PM
Fuji "Sekai 2.0" Blue BJJ Gi

do the gis come with a belt? Im sure it would be mentioned If it did but i thought id ask before i order my white belt elsewhere.  
3/4/2019 11:13:20 PM
Toro "Schrute" BJJ Shirt - Grey

dammit man 24 hours on this thing? premo gi's are why most of us are here..  
3/2/2019 12:53:24 AM
Inverted Gear Bamboo Gi - Black

rolling deals.... cmmmon!   
3/1/2019 9:08:49 PM
Inverted Gear Bamboo Gi - Black

NOOOOOO! sold out of A2 dang it.. i would have bought this gi for sure. my gi ripped and i dont have a backup i cant wait to get on the mats again ohh the agony  
3/1/2019 5:57:53 PM
Scramble TOSHI Jiu Jitsu Gi

So ive see allot of people saying scramble his shrink allot, even in cold wash air dry.
I'm an A2 with my current gi, does that mean I should avoid the scramble gi unless I can get an A3 and shrink it? Also A2L A2H OR A3 and shrink to my size? I'm 5'9 and 80kgs.   
2/27/2019 9:52:45 PM
Phalanx Banded Sport Ultralight Shorts - Navy

$68 inc postage foraussies, is it worth it.. hmmm  
8/8/2018 4:39:26 AM
Venum Challenger 4.0 BJJ Gi - Navy

6/14/2018 7:25:46 AM
Manto Altia 2.0 Grappling Rashguard

Tatami Estillo 6.0 black on black  
6/13/2018 1:59:00 AM
Venum Tecmo Grappling Rashguard - Black/Grey

Lost out on buying a new gi because of paypal
errors - i love BJJ HQ but im devo that the only chqnce to get my hands on that particular estilo 6.0 black/black gi is gone! because of paypal not working!! Re run those deals that people missed out on because of paypal crap!! Please !!   
6/10/2018 1:53:33 AM
1 Comment
Raven LAVA Spats

Last deal on the tatami 6.0 timed out during my paypal checkout and brought me back to these spats. I literally placed the order so damn unlucky.  
6/6/2018 11:15:51 PM
Tatami Hokori Jiu Jitsu Gi - Black

Does this come with a white belt???? Anyone have experience with this gi? Let me know! This gi is sk cheap, whats the catch???  
5/29/2018 2:41:05 AM
93brand "SHG" V2 Backpack

Bag looks cool and I needed a new bag that's specifically suited to my gym needs.  
5/25/2018 9:48:45 PM
Strike Campeao Rashguard

Noiice! cant wait.  
8/6/2014 9:57:09 PM
Comment on:
Hyperlyte Jiu Jitsu Gi White/Blue

So how do i get my black Estilo 6.0 that i missed out on because of paypal errors. :((((((
6/8/2018 11:59:38 PM
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Venum Tecmo Grappling Rashguard - Black/Grey

Thanks rubin, I sent and email off to customer support. Fingers crossed.
6/10/2018 9:37:17 PM
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Inverted Gear Bamboo Gi - Black

me to man, me to..
3/1/2019 5:59:47 PM
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Tatami Nova Absolute BJJ Gi - Black

this range of gi is cheaper on the official tatami website for us Aussies, plus a better return policy as well of course.
3/13/2019 2:40:13 AM
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93brand SHG Backpack

Its not the exact same design with jiujitsu plastered on it but i think its the same though not 100% sure.
3/14/2019 2:52:56 AM
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93brand SHG Backpack

its the same but no kenji just a black 93 brand flag logo.
3/14/2019 2:57:48 AM
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Tatami Renegade Spats

i too never received an e-mail after i ordered my 93brand "S5" Jiu Jitsu Gi but there is a purchase history in the My account area with tracking information as well. so i wasn't really worried about the e-mail.
3/22/2019 7:36:56 PM
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Scramble Athlete 3.0 Jiu Jitsu Gi - White

it looks cool and you feel cool. aka placebo bra
3/23/2019 8:47:34 AM
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