Alma Ballington

Alma Ballington: #2169 of 17023
0 Yes | 0 No
93 Brand X Meerkatsu Choking Hazard Rashguard

darn it. I was at jiu jitsu and missed it. I have the tshirt but the rashie would be great (I was at no gi) congrats to everyone who snagged one.   
12/5/2013 11:59:30 PM
Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Black

is is lighter weight? I am still new to BJJ and trying to figure out weights. My Kingz is pretty comfy but the custom one I have for comps is really heavy more for those cold winter rolls. thanks  
8/14/2013 12:24:02 AM
1 Comment
93 Brand BJJ Drug Warning Label Tee

why does it keep telling me to pick a shipping method? argh?  
8/1/2013 11:10:50 PM
Grab and Pull Premium Version 2 Blue Competition Gi

is it light? I am still trying to figure out the weights based on gsm.   
6/16/2013 11:14:09 PM
Kenka Meerkatsu Designed Octopus Tights

stuck in the purchase screen. I have click on the purchase button 4 times. afraid to do it again just in case I will own 4 of these babies.   
5/22/2013 12:48:13 AM
Meerkatsu x 93 Brand x Tatami "Heavenly Footlock" Charity T-Shirt

I managed to get one of the shirts shipping on Feb 28th. My birthday so it's a good date. Can't wait but somehow my postal code is wrong for Canadian shipping. Is there a way to correct it? only one digit and I'm sure it will find me. The cause is close to home and thank you for support it.   
2/16/2013 12:51:11 PM
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Meerkatsu x BJJHQ "Grappling Thing" T-Shirt

I had the same problem. so disappointed. it was a gift for someone :( I thought I was seeing things.
5/23/2013 2:47:45 PM
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93 Brand BJJ Drug Warning Label Tee

Clear the temp internet files and cookies. Then go back and order. I had to do that but was luckier. Got the shirt and grateful.
8/2/2013 2:42:51 AM
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Fuji All Around BJJ Gi - Black

thanks Aaron.
8/14/2013 11:26:16 AM
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Ground Game Battle Dragons Shorts

I tried to resist too but I got them.
10/6/2013 3:50:46 PM
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