
Kit: #689 of 17012
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93brand "Gold Label" Jiu Jitsu Gi

What's the length on the male A0? I'm 5'6/5'7 134 lbs was wondering if i can pull off the A0 since A1F are sold out. I wear an A0 in the Furinkazan and it fits amazing. Also what's the difference between the Male and Female gis in terms of fit  
5/14/2018 7:54:24 AM
Fuji Force Camo BJJ Gi Pants

Are you guys going to be putting out any more gis in Marl blue like the gold label? Is gold label roll More only?  
11/3/2017 2:32:20 PM
Terminator 2 Skynet BJJ Gi

This is one corny Gi lol "judgement day skynet" lol  
4/25/2017 8:16:51 PM
Manto Rooster Gi - Blue

Is this a slimmer cut Gi?  
4/21/2017 7:14:41 AM
1 Comment
Tatami Estilo 5.0 - White Camo Edition

Any more 93 Brand tonight?  
9/10/2016 9:18:24 PM
Arte Suave Be Gentle Tee

Is this a white tee or grey?  
11/6/2013 9:31:20 AM
Strike Fightwear Crowd Control Grey Gi

I thought this was going to be real 24 hour deals but this is turning out to be just like a yard sale of things they need to get rid of. The second I have a chance to catch a deal as it refreshes the normal sizes from s-L are sold out. So this is just a sale to get rid of all the upper sizes. disappointing  
10/15/2013 1:28:17 PM
Fuji Sakana Long Sleeve Rashguard

will you guys be bringing the Koral MKM Comp gi in Navy Blue?  
2/14/2013 2:58:16 PM
Gawakoto Devil is in the Details Jiu Jitsu Tee

Will you guys be bringing any Navy blue gis anytime soon?  
10/19/2012 12:40:36 PM
Vulkan Ultra Light Black

please throw some nice T-shirts into the mix ...nice meaning clean jiu jitsu inspired shirts not Affliction style atrocities...thank you in advance.  
8/1/2012 10:47:18 AM
CTRL Industries Not a Player Tee

This is a very corny thing to put on a tshirt. I would not rock this shirt it just doesn't make sense. Could you please bring some more subtle looking BJJ tshirts?  
6/26/2012 9:13:30 AM
Godzilla vs. King Kong Meerkatsu London Open Tee

Aaron, keep up the T-shirts this is the only site i use for quality BJJ T-Shirts.  
6/12/2012 9:00:11 AM
Vulkan PRO Light Black Jiu-Jitsu Gi

Hey Aaron,

Do you think you'll be bringing back those Form workout pants you had on muscleHQ today? Those are awesome but were sold out in my size.

5/25/2012 9:25:23 AM
Grab&Pull Premium Jiu Jitsu Gi

Why do we need a separate login for  
5/15/2012 9:46:02 AM
Eidos Limited Edition Gi Hoodie

Hey guys quick question before I pull the trigger on this sick hoodie. Does the length of the torso run shorter than usual? I am 5'7 and I hate when hoodies go down too far past the waist... Any idea how this hoodie fares in that area?  
5/1/2012 10:04:28 AM
Arte Suave Crest Tee

Could you guys bring more of this company's or 31FIFTY shirts? They have some really nice designs. Thanks.   
4/24/2012 9:33:45 AM
31FIFTY Jiu Jitsu For The People Tee

you guys are killing me!...just bought this.  
4/6/2012 8:55:00 AM
Venum Redline Fight Shorts

You guys got me again! this is my second or third purchase this week! owe me a deal on the black scramble spats i have been asking for lol  
3/22/2012 10:03:45 AM
CynerGi Signature 450 Grey and Purple Jiu Jitsu Gi

Could you bring more 31Fifty shirts...they look great.  
3/16/2012 9:29:33 AM
Bad Boy Grinder Short Sleeve Rashguard

Aaron will you be bringing the black Scramble spats?  
3/7/2012 8:53:07 AM
Luta Fight Shorts

Black Scramble spats please been waiting forever.  
2/14/2012 9:37:34 AM
Scramble 3/4 Sleeve Bushido Athletics Rashguard

please bring the black Scramble spats...I know you have them on MAS but 60 bucks for tights is a rip off regardless of the brand. Hope you read this. Thanks  
2/2/2012 8:58:15 AM
Venum Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Shorts

Please bring these shorts back my size is sold out! Also any deals on the black Scramble spats?  
1/12/2012 9:29:24 AM
Vulkan Ultra Light BJJ Gi

You listened! Been waiting for a Vulkan white and you guys did it. Thank you!  
10/17/2011 11:08:48 PM
Koral MKM Competition Gi in Blue

What's with all the blue Gi's, any nice white ones coming soon?  
10/13/2011 9:07:34 AM
Brute Quad III Ear Guards

eh bad day at bjjhq. Lets see what they have tomorrow. Please bring a good deal on a Vulkan white gi  
10/5/2011 9:53:41 AM
Keiko Raca Gold Weave Gi

Wondering if you guys will have any Vulkan or Atama Gi's coming anytime soon? I like this gi especially the white just want to stay away from any red on my gi's.   
9/29/2011 9:20:41 AM
Comment on:
Tatami Rio Cup No Gi Shorts

its the shorts that are for sale...not the dude.
9/30/2011 10:03:53 AM
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Scramble 3/4 Sleeve Bushido Athletics Rashguard

Hey Aaron do you think you can bring the Scrabble OSU Hoodie in here sometime? Also, the BLACK scramble spats?

12/12/2011 11:01:38 AM
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Eidos Limited Edition Gi Hoodie

Worse case... will the hoodie shrink a little after washing on Perm Press?
5/1/2012 10:34:46 AM
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Eidos Limited Edition Gi Hoodie

Thanks for the feedback!
5/1/2012 10:52:56 AM
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Godzilla vs. King Kong Meerkatsu London Open Tee

6/12/2012 8:59:17 AM
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Tatami Rule the Mat Hoodie

Aaron, do these come in any other colors? and if yes, would you be able to get them on the site? You think you can get the Scramble OSU hoodie here in navy?
6/13/2012 9:12:30 AM
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Tatami Rule the Mat T-shirt

this is an American company not much can be done for international shipping.
9/26/2012 8:57:12 AM
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Gawakoto Devil is in the Details Jiu Jitsu Tee

I hate Tapout/Affliction shirts and don't a single shirt from either company. But this shirt, is garbage and to pay more than 10 bucks for this thing is inhumane.
10/19/2012 12:39:46 PM
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Gawakoto Devil is in the Details Jiu Jitsu Tee

10/19/2012 12:40:04 PM
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Reevo Blue Aerolight Jiu Jitsu Gi with Free Gi Sling Pack

Hey Aaron, would there be a way to add an email notification system to the site so that we know when one of the BJJHQ staff respond to a comment or question on the wall?
10/22/2012 9:19:03 AM
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Vulkan PRO Light Jiu-Jitsu Gi

I have the Ultra light and use it for normal training I've had it almost a year. Def shrinks in the wash even though it says Pre shrunk but have not been hit with the ripping. Aaron would you be able to bring a good quality Navy Blue gi anytime soon. ie. Koral MKM, Vulka Navy blue? please?
2/19/2013 8:58:45 AM
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Tokyo Five Fight Shorts

When you have 4 Gis in rotation why would I want to check a site everyday for only Gis? That's a pretty stupid business model dude. I don't check this site for gis because I KNOW they are going to have them on here more than anything else. I personally check here everyday for everything else, primarily BJJ inspired t-shirts, rashguards, etc. Speaking of which, get some more classy Tees on here!!!
5/16/2013 9:05:03 AM
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Manto Rooster Gi - Blue

Thanks a lot one more question would you happen to know if the "slimmness" on this Gi is comparable to 93brand fitted sizes?
4/21/2017 11:48:04 AM
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Uchi Mata "F=ma" T-Shirt

They are in our school. Speak for yourself homie
8/18/2018 7:25:45 AM
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Dollamur 5'x10' Flexi-Roll Home BJJ Mat

BS? American company doesn't want to deal with the logistics of shipping outside the US yea these guys are horrible humans.
3/20/2020 9:45:32 AM
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