The "Surf Jitsu" kimono is not only beautiful, but it's as fresh as fresh gets.$50
I'm 5'10,185.. A2 or A3?
A2 and stick with cold wash / hang dry.
Damn, I really wanted this gi but not in my size :( you snooze you lose
5'9 219 and declining a2? And hang dry I'm assuming
I'm 5'9 175lbs, a2?
This is the perfect gi for me! Too bad there's no shipping to Spain.. Please fix that bjjhq.
Buy 2 and ship them to me and ill ship you yours when it arrives! Let me know.
Sorry double post but i realised i accidentally hit reply instead of starting a new question so.... I've noticed with my rash guards that the material pilling. Does anyone have any experiences with other gis made with rash guard material inside knows whether this will pill over time ?
Make sure you are not washing rashguards with open velcro. The little hooks in velcro cause rashguards to pill. Other than that you should not get piling with this product.
^^ Affirmative! ^^ Velcro is always the bandit. Just make sure that on Nogi laundry day, you fully secure the Velcro on ALL of your shorts. Personally I close the straps and turn them inside out. If the shorts are open, then the velcro "hooks" agitate the smooth polyester/spandex and cause pilling. Only Velcro does this, though, so washing rashguards or rashguard-lined products with Gis, spats, jock straps, towels or whatever else, is totally fine.
My Kenka white tiger rashguard peeled, and I think it MAY have been due to velcro, but I usually eschew fight shorts for gi pants on NoGi's such a bummer bc it was a sweet rashie
If it were me guys, I'd pass on this...I own it, two sets of pants have both torn in the same area. It's a cool look for sure but it does not hold up IMO