Grab & Pull has revised and improved one of their most popular Gi models, delivering the best edition yet: The Premium Version 3.$80
Wow that is a good looking gi
Never order thru here. My brother told me about the app. My other 2 Gis are A2 fit pretty good I also have a A3 fits huge. I'm about 5'9 200lbs. Which one should I get. And any return policy?
Welcome aboard. This cut off this gi might not suit you. Wait for something that'll fit you better. There aren't any returns, but usually if you get the wrong size you can sell on eBay and get your money back or make a few bucks.
Thanks for the reply
This is a great looking gi! Can't wait to get it, although it will be a while before I can wear it. Got a few pounds to shed.
This is a really nice gi! I got this one in grey. The ONLY thing I don't like about mine is that for some reason the grey version does NOT have the shoulder patches. ALL the other grab and pull V3 versions have them! I like those shoulder patches darn it! How come mine does NOT have them (really a question for G&P, I realize)? Erg! But its a great gi, no doubt :)
Great deal! I'm 5'6" and 170lbs. Size recommendation?
Go for the A2 my man!
Will the bamboo frenzy be coming on here anytime soon?
Not planned.
I am 5'-11", 150lbs. I have a A2L 93 brand gi. The pants are little bit short for me. The top part is perfect though. Should I go for A2 or A3? Maybe I can shrink A3?
I'd wait for another A2L. I'm surprised the 93 Brand A2L pants were short. Which model was it?
I'm 5'11 202lbs, do you think an a2 would fit?
Go a3
Just bought this gi but gave the wrong address. I've emailed the correct address to bjjhq.
We will adjust the address before shipping it.
Can't wait! Nice looking Gi! (A4)