Today we've got a 5-pack of Arm Bar Soap, chosen at random from a selection of 11 flavors.$20
Now wtf are we supposed to talk about
I finally get to shower.
The day has finally come! *Queue autistic screeching
So what’s the new meme product? I vote 93Brand Standard Issue white gi.
I never bought something so fast in my life
You whiney, stinky fools finally have your wish granted. Lets buy all of it to show gratitude.
I almost ended up homeless...
Will there be any Gi’s offered with this soap? Annoying isn’t it?
Good Juan
That’s pretty funny, tell me juan more
Stop being so juanney about it
Why you gotta be like that juan person?
Juan of these days, Juan.....Juan of these days....
Ummm... but can we get some armbar soap?
Server overload!!
How many calories are these
YO LISTEN UP. This soap better sell out. Im issuing formal challenges with old school pancrase school set to any of you comment trolls if it doesnt.
That rule set is strictly so i can slap the fuck out of you. I don't care about actually winning the match.
I hope you get all pink bars.
You nasty MFers better stock up... I’m sick and TIDE of seeing you guys beg for soap.
No one's asking for free arm bar soap with this deal?
oh wow
How many bars can a you wood chuck chuck??
Tears of joy
Praise be this day! Praise be to Armbar Soap!
Always come around right when I run out YESSSS begins....
Ask and you shall recieve!
This better be the best soap of all time the way you have been going on about it
Just placed my first order for armbar soap. All the trolls who hyped it up better be right!!!
Hopefully my orders went through. It would not let me login with Facebook earlier but it did let me place two orders with paypal.
Holy Santa Claus shit
Here I am
I reinstalled the mobile app just to buy this soap. All praise be to the soap!
Now all I need is another gym bag with mp3 pocket!!
Nov 4 2019....the day BJJHQ heard the people. And the internet broke
Wish I could get the whole pack
Haha! Nope! Im good. 76 bars worth good.
Its trying to charge me $45 shipping when I go to paypal?
Gitchu some!!!
How does this soap taste?
I'm about to find out.
I wish I didn’t have to pay $15 in shipping
Lol @ not living in America
I live in america i just ordered three shipments lol
Haha. Yaaaaaaaaassss!
Never bought these before. Can someone sell me on them?
I have had issues with staph and ringworm before but I also have very dry sensitive skin. Living in eastern Ontario, the climate gets extremely cold in the winter which amplifies the problem. These soap bars not only do great to prevent skin infections (I've seen wounds close up after using this soap on them) but the bars have a lot of moisturizing properties and my skin never ever feels dry, and they smell fucking awesome. They are expensive, but this is a good steal here. I have bought from Armbar directly, it is expensive for me as it is in California and it gets sent all the way here to Ontario plus customs BUT it's a great product and their owner is an awesome guy who goes to the trouble of leaving a personalized note in everything he sends me.
Why of all nights tonight i would experience issues with the payment process?
The soap is weak! You smell great for five minutes after using it. All hail, our lord and king, Irish Spring!
The kicker is that this soap isn't even that great. Submission soap >
Armbar soap ple... ah fuck, you actually have it today! I mean I'm still not buying it but you really stole my thunder bro.