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Deal for January 11, 2013 Permalink
93 Brand BJJ Drug Warning Label Tee
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93 Brand BJJ Drug Warning Label Tee

    We all need our daily dose of Jiu Jitsu, and now it's available in convenient pill form!* Grab a hold of this new release from 93 Brand Pharmaceuticals in collaboration with the Meerkatsu Corporation.

    Who got there first?

    Comments from January 11, 2013

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    Cmkbaca User Profle Image
    Cmkbaca  -  Joined 10/13/2013

    Sold out? Nice now I'll bump into someone else wearing this shirt, then an impromptu no gi match will ensue, spilling over into local businesses then entire cities and states.
    Every one was jiu jitsu fighting , those takedowns were fast as lighting

    11/1/2013 at 9:09 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Marco Parente User Profle Image
    Marco Parente  -  Joined 1/7/2013

    Bought it last time it was up. Super sweet tee and I was surprised at how soft it was. Standard fit, not athletic or fitted at all so if you like your shirts a little tighter I suggest going a size down. Happy buying!

    10/31/2013 at 11:02 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Danniel Gonzales User Profle Image
    Danniel Gonzales  -  Joined 9/26/2013

    moree vale tudo gear ! ! ! !

    11/1/2013 at 2:59 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Armbar User Profle Image
    Armbar  -  Joined 8/24/2011

    The most overrated t-shirt of all time.

    11/1/2013 at 12:37 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Bebz User Profle Image
    Bebz  -  Joined 11/1/2013

    for future reference ....im 5'9 170 broad chest..... large would fit well?

    11/1/2013 at 11:57 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    IAMTHEBIz User Profle Image
    IAMTHEBIz  -  Joined 11/1/2013

    wah :(

    11/1/2013 at 11:40 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    AD User Profle Image
    AD  -  Joined 10/19/2013

    It sells for $29.99 @ http://www.martialartssupplies.com/93-drug-shirt.html

    11/1/2013 at 7:12 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    AD User Profle Image
    AD  -  Joined 10/19/2013

    COM'ON!!!!!! Can I buy one off someone?!?!?!?!? I'm Military stationed in Germany.... Help a guy out

    11/1/2013 at 7:10 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    adam User Profle Image
    adam  -  Joined 10/31/2013

    Wen do they confirm that u actually got it

    11/1/2013 at 5:27 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Cmkbaca User Profle Image
    Cmkbaca  -  Joined 10/13/2013

    immediatly, you'll get an email

    11/1/2013 at 9:04 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    btrammell87 User Profle Image
    btrammell87  -  Joined 5/31/2013

    ugh. i'm late every time....

    11/1/2013 at 3:40 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    john User Profle Image
    john  -  Joined 1/31/2013

    Damn it!!! I missed it...

    11/1/2013 at 1:28 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jet671 User Profle Image
    jet671  -  Joined 1/28/2013

    Snagged one, finally! Missed it the last two times it was up.

    11/1/2013 at 1:03 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Adam User Profle Image
    Adam  -  Joined 5/3/2013

    I got a 2 mediums. I will trade someone both for an xl haha.

    11/1/2013 at 12:33 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Gayle Hoyt User Profle Image
    Gayle Hoyt  -  Joined 8/1/2013

    If you can't find a way to trade, I'm interested in buying one of the mediums.

    11/1/2013 at 1:17 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Mick Tully User Profle Image
    Mick Tully  -  Joined 4/12/2013

    Finally got one! Yay!

    11/1/2013 at 12:06 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Deez Nutz User Profle Image
    Deez Nutz  -  Joined 4/13/2013

    Looks like most people have this already. It was gone in 12 minutes the first time I saw this and 20 minutes the last time. Just so people know, depending on the batch of the dye, the shirt may not be true black. I bought two the last time and one was black, but the other looked more like a really dark brown. Wasn't that noticeable until I put the shirts side by side. I think fit is true to size; I'm 5'5 160 and the large fits me perfectly.

    11/1/2013 at 12:00 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Dale Dallinger User Profle Image
    Dale Dallinger  -  Joined 7/8/2011

    Damn I've been wating for this one and my size is all sold out :(

    10/31/2013 at 11:46 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Zach Freed User Profle Image
    Zach Freed  -  Joined 6/28/2011

    finally got my hands on this one

    10/31/2013 at 11:37 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    sLvrdc2 User Profle Image
    sLvrdc2  -  Joined 5/23/2013

    How do I order more then one?

    10/31/2013 at 11:21 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    james User Profle Image
    james  -  Joined 10/12/2012

    You have to do two seperate orders and pay two seperate shipping costs.

    10/31/2013 at 11:31 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jesdez User Profle Image
    jesdez  -  Joined 7/27/2013

    Is it normal to pay for shipping for purchasing 2 shirts?

    10/31/2013 at 11:19 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    jesdez User Profle Image
    jesdez  -  Joined 7/27/2013

    For each shirt I mean

    10/31/2013 at 11:24 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    james User Profle Image
    james  -  Joined 10/12/2012


    10/31/2013 at 11:27 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Insidious User Profle Image
    Insidious  -  Joined 9/4/2013

    Been waiting for this for a while now. I was stressing it would sell out before I could complete transaction.

    10/31/2013 at 11:12 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Jackie Choi User Profle Image
    Jackie Choi  -  Joined 10/31/2013

    awesome.. I got the white one... black is cooler. this site will make me broke lol

    10/31/2013 at 11:12 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Karina User Profle Image
    Karina  -  Joined 7/12/2013

    Got it for my instructor, finally! Wish here was a XS or even XXS so that I can have one too! sigh. The curses of being small. :)

    10/31/2013 at 11:49 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    ChrmnMa0 User Profle Image Bought Today's Item
    ChrmnMa0  -  Joined 10/30/2012

    damn!!! Someone has my shirt and no idea where it is!

    11/1/2013 at 8:55 AM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    Jerald R Aldaco User Profle Image
    Jerald R Aldaco  -  Joined 11/1/2013

    No fair that's this is sold every once in a while. This would be a highly popular shirt if ever mass produced. Just saying

    11/1/2013 at 1:40 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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    james User Profle Image
    james  -  Joined 10/12/2012

    Everytime this is offered it takes a little longer to sell out.

    11/1/2013 at 5:07 PM ThumbsUp ImageThumbsUp Down
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